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Another casualty of the coronavirus pandemic: Trust in government science

So frustrating': Doctors and nurses battle virus skeptics

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Abbott wins U.S. emergency use authorization for new COVID-19 antibody test

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Covid-19: China's Qingdao to test nine million in five days

The Chinese city of Qingdao is testing its entire population of nine million people for Covid-19 over a period of five days.

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US medical supply chains failed, and COVID deaths followed

12 states reported record coronavirus case counts this weekend. This could be the beginning of the second wave.

COVID-19 coverage safety net has plenty of holes in US

COVID-19 can do more than torment patients physically. It also clobbers some financially.

Even though many insurers and the U.S. government have offered to pick up or waive costs tied to the virus, holes remain for big bills to slip through and surprise patients.

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Covid virus ‘survives for 28 days’ in lab conditions--Study

The virus responsible for Covid-19 can remain infectious on surfaces such as banknotes, phone screens and stainless steel for 28 days, researchers say.

The findings from Australia's national science agency suggest SARS-Cov-2 can survive for far longer than thought.

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Regeneron CEO: Trump ‘is a case of one’ and ‘weakest evidence’ for Covid-19 treatment

Regeneron chief executive Leonard Schleifer on Sunday said President Donald Trump's treatment with the company's experimental antibody cocktail is "a case of one," but stressed ongoing clinical trials still need to show its efficacy.

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South Pacific/Asia: Australian state warns non-complying public

UK at 'tipping point:' England braces for more restrictions

Covid-19 death rates are lower worldwide, but no one is sure whether that’s a blip or a trend

Battered by Trump, the C.D.C.’s Director Faces Pressure to Speak Out

WASHINGTON — Pressure is mounting on the leaders of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention — from inside and outside the agency — to speak publicly against the White House’s manhandling of C.D.C. research and public health decisions, with career scientists so demoralized they are talking of quitting if President Trump wins re-election.

The situation came to a boiling point this week when William H. Foege, a giant in public health who led the C.D.C. under Democratic and Republican presidents, called for its current director, Dr. Robert R. Redfield, to “stand up to a bully” — he meant Mr. Trump — even at the risk of being fired.

“Silence becomes complicity,” he said in an interview, after a private letter he wrote to Dr. Redfield leaked to the news media.

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Disease Detectives’ on Contact Tracing a Reckless President

Coronavirus cases set new single-day records in six U.S. states and worldwide


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